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About Kyrious

We are conceived as a real estate company that will ‘lead the world through Africa'

Our Mission

Our primary focus is to be the largest savings platform for home ownership and real estate investment. First in Nigeria, then the whole of Africa

Our Offer

We offer a secure e-business platform that will help members save responsibly towards home ownership and/or real estate investment

For Who?

You don’t have to be a millionaire to own a home or engage in profitable real estate investment. Kyrious is open to anyone from subprime to prime status

Background Information

The purpose of establishing any cooperative society is to look out for the best interest of it's members and also contribute to the development of the society at large.

Co-operative societies are set up as a means to encourage disciplined personal savings and the wealth thus aggregated becomes a strong platform for self and mutual help for members.

Real estate Cooperatives are well entrenched in some societies. In Kenya, for example SACCOS account for about 38% of national savings and over 80% of home ownership finance.

Kyrious is a member of the Eximia Realty Group a real estate organization conceived to ‘lead the world through Africa', The objective is the creation of a mini eco-system that guarantees a robust pipeline of projects and offtakers. Members are given the first option to buy into our projects (land or house) at competitive prices. We are set to change the narrative of mobilizing retail capital whilst delivering superior returns to members, facilitating home ownership, generating employment and helping to reduce the housing deficit in Nigeria.

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